Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Installing Aurora/Nightly version of Firefox on openSUSE

- First be sure to get the correct architecture version of Aurora/Nightly for your current Linux system architecture.

You will find the Linux 32 and 64 bits version of Aurora here : http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/aurora/all/
And Nightly here :

- Then uncompress the archive in /opt/aurora or /opt/nightly :
mkdir /opt/aurora && tar -xjvf firefox-29.0a2.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C /opt/aurora

- Now you can execute your "developer's version" of Firefox with :
/opt/aurora/firefox &

You might experience the following plugin error :
No plugin found or Install Flashplayer : file not found

To resolve this issue you have to do the following on a 64 bits system :
ln -s /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/ /home/USER/.mozilla/plugins